Saturday, 27 August 2011

Sorry sorry sorry… Post and giveaway winner! ♥

I am so so so sorry! I haven’t blogged for god knows how long. I been to Portugal aaand blogger stopped working, basically, I blogged and then only the title would appear. At the moment I am blogging from Windows Live Writer. Thank you so much Katsuki! I put your profile because I didn’t know which blog to hyperlink to. >< The only problem with Live Writer is that when you click the new paragraph button, it gives a huge amount of space.

Congrats to Kiki from The Good Bad Ugly and Weird! I will be contacting you via email soon! Thank you so much for all the entries.

Here is my look of the day.



My hair is so much lighter! :D I am dying it soon. It will be a surprise :D

Here is what I bought in Portugal. I didn’t buy much because most of the products are… touristy? Like bracelets with ‘Portugal’ on them.


Hello Kitty bag

‘Tsuzutsu chan’ mirror

Hello Kitty notebook


May Kay ♥