Saturday, 19 March 2011

GEO Sakura lens (in brown) review (MyCandyEyes) ♥

One thing, the reason why I don't wear lashes in the pictures is because I do review pictures before school because I don't like wasting makeup ^^

Not a sponsorship.

Usage Modality: Yearly
BC: 8.6 mm
DIA: 15 mm
Water content: 38%
Approved and Certified by: KF&D Administration

Because these lenses are 15mm diametre, (HUGE) it means I cannot wear them for over 6 hours because of the drying effect. I had to take them out at school after about 4 hours with eyedrops D:

Enlargening effect
I see no larger than the 14.5mm one

I liked the design because of the black ring around it. Very Kumiky! The black ring makes eyes look slightly larger than the Candy Magic in the case but on the eye there is not much difference to 14.5mm.

Relitavly natural, but can be quite scary if you don't wear makeup. Like underneath ^^

Overall, I would give these lenses 6/10

May Kay ♥


  1. I was thinking of getting lenses but I'm also worried about them drying >_<" How would you make them okay? Do you just add some drops and put them back in?

  2. I took them out >.<
    It depends when you wear them. I wore them to school and I had two lessons of computer using which usually dries up my eyes

  3. I honestly don't really like the pattern.. It looks.. strange and unnatural. Did they contact u to sponsor your? Or did u contact them?

    UGH I hate workin on the com. with lenses >_>" It dries up the eyes so fast!
