Thursday, 25 November 2010

Gal / cute stores in the UK ♥

Sorry for not posting. Nothing really to post about >.<
Adorable / Gal style clothes are hard to find in the UK (other than online) so here is a post about UK gal :)

Blue Banana
Yes, I know they do gothic brands and such, but some of their garments are really cute :) Great for the gyaru-rock style. (I found a really nice hat in their ^__^)

The random Chinese shop that are in most town / city
I couldn't find a decent picture and I'm not even considering taking a picture of my local one.
It might be just me, but I swear there are Chinese shops everywhere 0.0 Yanno, the ones that sell imported accessories at a relatively reasonable price. My local Chinese store owner knows me, I go in there so much.
These shops are nearly perfect for gal style. I've found usamimis there and many even have fake eyelashes.

This seems to be really popular with gal style. I found a (fake) fox tail in there :D I will be posting about fake fox tails soon, once I get mine.
(below, Okarie wearing fox tail)

Affordable jewellery, I can't say at best quality as most things from there break. FAIL. Lots of Hello Kitty which I adore ♥

May Kay ♥

1 comment:

  1. the h&m in germany has no fox tails. that's unfair ! ._.
