Tuesday, 30 November 2010

(Ultra Cheap) fake eyelash review ♥

I ordered Popteen December, usually I just download the magazine, but I'm buying it because it looks good on Gal's Pop.

During Manba Day, I went to my local pound store and found these. I know I'm cheap >.<

I liked them because they looked like the lashes that Nana Suzuki wears, from the thick bits in the lashes. Such a bad description

I laaaaaaave Nana Suzuki :D (obviously not in a bit of a lesbian way XD)

Aanyway I got them and they look like this

The glue is so bad! >.< It looks worse in real life haha, but its worth it for £1.

May Kay ♥

Monday, 29 November 2010

Puricura x Tsubasa

If you need to ask me questions please please please don't ask my on comments. I made a special email just for queries ^__^
Quick post. I found these pictures of Tsubasa on her twitpic.

When I see her with Naoki Umeda it makes me envious. I want a Gyaru-o to call my '愛' (love). Haha.

May Kay ♥

Candy Magic lens (in green) review (MyCandyEyes) ♥

Not a sponsorship
A few months back I ordered the Candy Magic circle lens in brown. I got them for £12 (About $20) from 
http://www.mycandyeyes.com/ Amazingly and slightly suspiciously cheap.

Here is what they look like:

Usage Modality: Yearly
BC: 8.6 mm
DIA: 14.5 mm
Water content: 38%
Approved and Certified by: KF&D Administration

I think that I might have ordered them just because of the name >.< But I'm so glad I did

For comfort look at the review I done of these lenses in Brown http://howtobegal.blogspot.com/2010/11/candy-magic-lens-in-brown-review.html
The Green and Brown together ^__^

My three circle lenses (right one, I can't do a review on because they have a tear in them)

Enlargening effect
I think they give me bigger eyes than the brown one, but I think the brown ones suit me more.

The green is very bright and I like the black ring around it.

So not natural XD No asian had natural green eyes.

I give the lenses 8/10

Once I ordered them I thought I had made a mistake by ordering from them because the reviews... well the good ones are really good and the bad ones are bad. I'm so glad that I ordered from them. 

I'm not sure if they forgot to charge me for shipping, but its very cheap. Arrived in 7 days
The bottles the contacts arrived in.

Very good contact, friendly and fast replies.

Easy to navigate but I have found that some of the links do not work.

The business card the lenses came with. Its nice that they're so responsible for my eyes.

I know MyCandyEyes have a reliantly bad reputation, but I haven't witnessed anything bad. I give MyCandyEyes 10/10

May Kay ♥

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Style inspiration 2: Tsubasa Masuwaka ♥

My last 'Style inspiration' (http://howtobegal.blogspot.com/2010/11/style-inspiration-1-rina-sakurai.html) got a lot of views and me a few more followers I decided to do another one. I will probably do a 'Style Inspiration' post every week or so.

Name : Tsubasa Masuwaka / 益若つばさ
Birthday : 18th October 1985 (25 years old)
Horoscope : Libra
Model for : Origionally Popteen, now Popsister. She also models for brands such as S Leg
Hometown : Koshigaya, Saitama Prefecture
Height : 150 cm
Weight : Unknown
Bloodtype : B
Website : http://www.masuwakatsubasa.com/

She is married to Men's egg model, Umeda Naoki. (below)

I bet you wouldn't have thought that she is a mum >.< She seems too pretty to be

She models for brands such as S Leg, EDWIN x Umetsuba, Tsuglam, Love Nation and Palty.

She released a single called 'Magic to Love'

Before she had a baby, she modelled for Popteen, now she models for Popsister (Made by the same people as Popteen but aimed at an older audience)

She has 2 makeup brands - Dolly Wink and Candy Doll

May Kay ♥

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Style inspiration 1: Rina Sakurai ♥

New idea is the style inspiration, I will write about a model and about them and whutever :D

Name : Sakurai Rina / 桜井莉菜
Birthday : 13th April 1983 (27 years old)
Horoscope : Aries
Model for : Ageha and other brands such as Candy Magic circle lenses
Hometown : Osaka
Height : 154 cm
Weight : Unknown
Bloodtype : A

Website : http://sakurairina.jp/

Sakurina in Ageha, I don't really like the braided extensions, I don't know why but they make me cringe >.<
In 1999, she was 16, and she started modelling, she started modelling for Ageha when she was 23-24 years old.

Even without makeup she still looks pretty!

Sakurina has a jewellery brand called 'Sakurina Style'

On the 15th of March, 2008, she released a single called 'Angel' (shown above)

Sakurina's blog was ranked in Japan's top 50 blogs.

Damn, shes changed

May Kay ♥

Gal / cute stores in the UK ♥

Sorry for not posting. Nothing really to post about >.<
Adorable / Gal style clothes are hard to find in the UK (other than online) so here is a post about UK gal :)

Blue Banana
Yes, I know they do gothic brands and such, but some of their garments are really cute :) Great for the gyaru-rock style. (I found a really nice hat in their ^__^)

The random Chinese shop that are in most town / city
I couldn't find a decent picture and I'm not even considering taking a picture of my local one.
It might be just me, but I swear there are Chinese shops everywhere 0.0 Yanno, the ones that sell imported accessories at a relatively reasonable price. My local Chinese store owner knows me, I go in there so much.
These shops are nearly perfect for gal style. I've found usamimis there and many even have fake eyelashes.

This seems to be really popular with gal style. I found a (fake) fox tail in there :D I will be posting about fake fox tails soon, once I get mine.
(below, Okarie wearing fox tail)

Affordable jewellery, I can't say at best quality as most things from there break. FAIL. Lots of Hello Kitty which I adore ♥

May Kay ♥

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

I need help =/ ♥

I'm planning to dye my dark brown asian hair (Look at usamimi post) and I really want to dye my hair a light brown colour. (Look like Palty maple doughnut)

I need help in how to dye it. My usual salon told me that they can't dye my hair over 3 shades lighter (I know right. -_-) So I'm in the look out for finding a good salon.
Should I get it done at a salon, or risk it with palty dye?
May Kay ♥

Monday, 22 November 2010

Usamimi post ♥

My usamimi arrived :) With surprisingly fast shipping :)
Here I am
Ummm yeah... solution bottle >.< I really should turn it around
The wire is surprisingly thick bit still very comfortable.
The design :) Bows are flowers.

May Kay ♥

P.S. On a side note, my clothes show live tickets have arrived!

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Quick Survey ♥

I need some feedback from viewers / readers to improve my blog. So if you could do this survey it would be really helpful :) Copy and paste the survey, fill it out and send it to worldofgyaru@yahoo.co.uk then it would be a really big help. Just three questions :)

1) More posts about... (tick as many as you want)
Models [ ]
Makeup [ ]
Gal style [ ]
Magazine scans [ ]
My life (non-gal related) [ ]
Reviews [ ]
Picture posts [ ]
Text Posts [ ]
Weekly / fortnightly mini blogazine (as well as daily posts) [ ]
Weekly summary (Gal make, hair, model etc)

2) Does the layout... (tick as many as you want)
Look scruffy / handmade [ ]
Need re-doing [ ]
Too pink [ ]

3) If you ticked 'need re-doing' then what should it feature? (tick one)
Models [ ]
Popteen scans [ ]
Liz Lisa [ ]
W♥C [ ]
Makeup brands [ ]
Other : ______________________________ [ ]

W♥C Summer catalogue ♥

All of the pages are below :) Yes I know this is way late >.< (Not in order) Tell me if I'm missing anything!
I'm also starting using these Gyaru Gifs, now that I know where to find them.
Thank you all my supporters :) I have got more followers in a week than I did with my other blog in a month LAWL

These two are supposed to go together

May Kay ♥