Woah how long has it been since I made a lens review? Ages it seems ><’
Base Curve: 8.6
Diameter: 14.0mm
Water Content: 42%
Lens Type: 1 year disposable
Manufacturer: GEO Medical
With and without lenses. As you can tell they look like my natural eyes but slightly more defines. Both I think with flash on.
I bought them because I loved the natural kind of style lenses because at the time I was very influenced by AKB48 and they all seemed to have a similar pair. I love the way it is a natural brown ring which kind of blends into my eye colour witch enlarges my eye a bit and still looks natural! I like how because it looks like my real eyes, I am eventually getting more and more ok with myself without lenses. Downside is that I find them too natural because I am used to obvious ones.

They are very comfortable to put in (probably because I wore my old lenses which were uncomfy) but they do get very drying. Even more drying that my usual 14.5mm lenses and more similar to 14.8mm or something which I find strange as they are only 14mm. Always carry a bottle of contact lens eyedrops if you use them. I usually have them in for about 8 hours – bad habit I know. It also find it strange that it dries out my eyes much much because they have quite a high water content. =/
I think these lenses are very good value for money seeming as I only paid £11 (including shipping) so I give these lenses 8.7/10!

Haha pardon my dressing gown – for those in the UK – you know how cold it gets. I also dyed my hair green and red for Christmas! It kind of turned out turquoise and pin –_-
I Want Cute
I found that I Want Cute were a perfect site! Not only were they cheap, they had super fast shipping (because they are from the UK) but they also sent a free gift (a mask thing – you can choose your own at the checkout) and lens case. I don’t really know about the contacting time because I never tried to contact them but my parcel arrived about 3 days later?
Get a pair here!

They send a cute sticker witch I thought I would show ^^
May Kay ♥